Teens for Food Justice (TFFJ) Named Finalist For The 4th Annual NYC Imagine Awards!

September 6, 2024

By: Pamela Honey

We’re proud to share that Teens for Food Justice (TFFJ) has been named a finalist in two categories at the 4th Annual NYC Imagine Awards! Competing for both the ONEGROUP INNOVATION AWARD and the YOUR PART-TIME CONTROLLER, LLC RISING STAR AWARD, TFFJ is being recognized for our innovative approach to food justice and youth empowerment.

This year, over 230 nonprofit organizations across NYC applied for these highly competitive awards, which celebrate excellence in Innovation, Leadership, Social Impact, Arts & Culture, and DEIA. TFFJ is honored to be one of just four finalists in both the Innovation and Rising Star categories. Winners will be announced live on October 29, 2024, at Guastavino’s, where each category champion will take home a $3,000 prize! We’re also grateful to Webster Bank, who will provide each finalist with $1,000.

TFFJ is also in the running for the Flagstar Private Bank Fan Favorite Award, and this is where *you* come in! Your daily votes could help us win an additional $3,000 to continue our mission of empowering youth to create sustainable, food-secure communities. Vote for TFFJ today, and help us spread the word to make a bigger impact!

Voting Instructions:

  1. Click the “VOTE NOW” button
  2. Type in your Name and email (NYC Imagine will not use these emails for anything and will delete them afterward)
  3. Select TFFJ by clicking the vote button under our finalist photo
  4. Hit the Submit Button at the top
  5. Come back every day to vote!

Pamela Honey is the Communications & Content Coordinator at Teens For Food Justice.

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