The TFFJ/Green Mountain Energy Sun Club Farm at the DeWitt Clinton Educational Campus

Farm Details

Location: Kingsbridge, The Bronx

Students : 2,124

Annual Production: 11,500 lbs

Year launched: 2017

Co-located Schools: DeWitt Clinton High School, Bronx Collaborative High School, World View High School

  • The farm at DeWitt Clinton is TFFJ’s first commercial-scale farm.
  • TFFJ’s first Fresh Food Box program was launched at the DeWitt Clinton campus in June 2019, providing a paid workforce development opportunity for our first rotation of Fresh Food Box interns.

Major Funders: Green Mountain Energy Sun Club, City Council Member Andrew Cohen, DeWitt Clinton Alumni Association.

Community Partners: Kingsbridge Heights Community Center, Moshulu Montefiore Community Center, Good Shepherd Services

“When we partnered with TFFJ, it wasn’t just the science realm we wanted to touch on, but also technology, engineering and math. As part of their classes, students built the actual [growing systems] themselves. They helped with the engineering in regards to the design phase, weight limits and how all the pumps work. With Teens for Food Justice, you have not only the science of growing the food but students learn how to create the structures that will allow them to grow the food”

Steven Deep, Assistant Principal of Operations at DeWitt Clinton High School

DeWitt Clinton:

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